Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Art Education? Look No Further Than Our Own Backyard--Keynote Address by VBCPS Teacher of the Year 2009-2010

As the citywide Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) Teacher of the Year for '09-10, I was asked to give the keynote address at a lovely dinner for some 300 people hosted on September 30, 2009, in honor of all 89 Teachers of the Year from across our district.

Follow this link to the VBCPS website where you will find the text of my speech along with the accompanying video of six of my wonderful students talking about their work and the role art plays in their lives. Macon Brock, co-founder of Dollar Tree stores, opens the video with a few thoughts about the value of art as a form of communication and self expression within an encompassing education.

Thanks to all for their contributions!

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